
Gail Rodney

For me, painting the landscape of Martha’s Vineyard and Chappaquiddick began forty years ago, a natural outgrowth of a marriage into a Chappy summer family and my own need to create. Ever since, I have attempted to capture what delights me, first with watercolor and then pastel, collage and oil: the play of light on water, what’s under the water, magnificent shorelines and wetlands, birds, people enjoying it all, and especially, color. The subtle tones of fog, brilliant color of harder light, the luxurious depths of shadows, all entrance me, and I want to share that delight with others.  Making art is a kind of meditation, and when painting in nature, I experience a kind of fusion with what is around me. Looking, understanding what I am seeing, searching for the right color, the right stroke, the satisfying composition—this is completely absorbing. See more of her work here.