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Barbara duBois

Born in Connecticut, Barbara spent summers growing up in North Turo, Cape Cod, and has lived the last 38 years in Southern California. Periodically visiting Martha’s Vineyard over the past 20 years, she had an opportunity to stay five months last year. She is currently on island for 6 months working on an art commission for the Farm Neck Golf Club and plans to continue living bi-coastally.
Barbara has received numerous awards from the prestigious Mobile Photography Awards for her innovative work with the iPhone and has shown at the Soho Gallery for Digital Art in New York and Los Angeles Center for Digital Arts and many other galleries throughout the United States. In addition to showing here in the states, her work has shown in several countries including Italy, Germany, and Portugal.
Having a degree in painting, printmaking & photography, iPhoneography is a happy marriage of two of Barbara’s passions- painting and photography. Using the iPhone as a starting point, she then edits the image with apps, layering and blending edits until the final result is achieved. Barbara photographs and edits daily and is influenced by the diverse landscape on Martha’s Vineyard, gorgeous colors and ever changing weather.